Can't wait to meet you!

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what's happening now at Grace.


Grace Church is a place to belong, where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, and each other, transforming lives and living  for God's glory. 

What To Expect In A Service

A typical worship service will last 75-90 minutes. We sing contemporary music with a blend of traditional songs to connect with our historic roots, which is led by our worship team. There is Children’s Church available with activities for kids through 5th grade.  We will gladly show you the check in process before the service so you're not  left wondering what to do and where to go. Plan to come before the service for a coffee and a chance to  meet new people. Or, for the more introverted, slip in just before the service to engage in connection with the Lord.
During worship, we typically sing 3 worship songs before the sermon and one or two after.  Our Pastor brings a message of teaching based in God’s Word to edify, encourage, and challenge the body to live for Christ.  We celebrate Communion on  each Sunday along with time for prayer and reflection.  We do not pass the plate for the offering and encourage people to tithe online or put a check in the tithe boxes on the wall or at the back of the sanctuary.  We close out the worship service with an encouraging Benediction of send-off to be the church beyond our four walls.

For questions, please write our Director of Connections, Tiea Hanson

Find Us

10323 28th ave sw
Sea WA 98146

When we Gather

10:30 am
 worship and sermon

Sunday Mornings